2. Performance Management Process

 1. Definitions of Performance management process 

In theory, the Performance Review process can be thought of as a positive interaction between a “coach” and an employee, working together to achieve maximum performance. In reality, it’s more like finding a dead squirrel in your backyard and realizing the best solution is to fling it onto your neighbor’s roof (SCOTT ADAMS (THE DILBERT PRINCIPLE) (Herman Aguinis, 2013).

Performance management is a natural process of management (Michael Armstrong, 2006). He accepted   Plan, Act, Monitor and review theory of quality expert William Deming to consist performance management process. In Armstrong’s Handbook mentioned the performance depends on participation, commitment and other elements of the performance management process such as feedback.

According to Elaine D. Pulakos the performance management processes vary from organization to organization. Performance management has an important effect on retention – effective performance management processes in place contribute to improved employment retention (Matthias Zeuch, 2016).

If we consider the above theories it’s clear that performance management system is a step by step process which  includes Planning, Doing, Checking and Action.

2. Performance Management process cycle 

2.1 According to Armstrong the performance management cycle closely resembles the cycle for continuous improvement defined by William Deming (1986). This is not a coincidence. Performance management is all about continuous improvement (Michael Armstrong, 2009 and 2006).

Figurer 2.1 Performance Management process cycle (Michael Armstrong, 2009)

Source: (M. Armstrong, 2006).

2.2 Herman Aguinis had described 9 components in the performance management process. 

Figure 2.2 Performance management process  - (Herman Aguinis, 2013).

Source :Performance Management (Herman Aguinis, 2013).

2.3 Elaine D. Pulakos has described 8 steps for the process management process. 

Figure 2.3 Performance management process  - (Elaine D. Pulakos, 2009).

Source Performance management (Elaine D. Pulakos, 2009).

2.4 Matthias Zeuch described that talent and performance management are a set of organizational processes, emphasizing the link with performance management.

Figure 2.4 Organizational processes of talent and performance management (Matthias Zeuch,2016).

Source : HRM Handbook (Matthias Zeuch,2016).

2.5 Another explanation on Performance management process cycle can be taken from this video. 

Video 2. Basic introduction Performance Management Cycle (AIHR) 

Source: You Tube AIHR Learning Bite

Figure 2.5 Performance management process  cycle

    source:  online (AIHR Learning Bite)

Considering the above theories and videos, the performance management process is described in different steps, but in summary it seems that the all steps are same.

Our company is following 05 stages in performance management process. The 5 stages in the cycle are; Plan, Manage, Review, Reward and Renew.

According to Mabey there are 05 elements which should be implemented in an organization. The 05 elements are;

       1. Setting Objectives

Planning Stage - this will involve getting together with an employee and evaluating expectations for a set period of time. The first stage in the planning process will be to evaluate an employee’s current role and performance; this will gain an initial idea about areas of improvement and realistic targets.

2. Performance measuring

Manage Stage - Implementing the plan and managing performance is stage 2 of the cycle. This can be providing support to an employee at all times and ensuring that the appropriate systems and tools are available to maximize performance expectations.

3. Feedback of the employees performance

Review Stage - Making sure that the performance structure set out in stage one is being adhered to, this may be particularly useful if there are any barriers to performance that could have a direct impact on other areas of the organization. Speaking to an employee mid-way through a performance cycle is a good chance to tweak their objectives depending on external factors.

4. Based on the performance outcomes, a reward system

Reward Stage - If all of the objectives have been met, stage 4 of the performance management cycle is to reward employees. Reasons and types of rewards will be discussed during stage one when objectives are outlined.

5. Amendments to objectives and processes

Renew Stage - The final stage of the performance management cycle is renewing. This can involve analyzing the previous objectives and looking at ways to improve on them and how to plan for the next cycle. Methods of rewards can vary from an annual bonus to share scheme options.

Performance Management Cycle has an important part to play in the implementation of staff motivation in an organization. The 5 stages (elements) ; Plan, Manage, Review, Reward and Renew, depending on the type of organization, the management cycle may take place over a year's period or month by month.

List of Reference

  1. Elaine D. Pulakos (2009),Performance Management: A New Approach for Driving Business Results, John Wiley & Sons, UK.
  2. Herman Aguinis (2013), Performance Management, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, Inc, USA.
  3. Mabey, Christopher; Salaman, Graeme; Storey, John. 2nd Edition. 1999. Human Resource Management: A Strategic Introduction. Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
  4. Matthias Zeuch - Editor, (2016), Handbook of Human Resources Management, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  5. Michael Armstrong (2006) Performance Management Key Strategies and Practical Guideline. 3rd edition,  London, Kogan Page Ltd.
  6. Michael Armstrong (2009) Armstrong's Handbook of Performance Management. 4th edition,  London, Kogan Page Ltd.


  1. I agree with your argument, and similarly, According to Cardy and Leonard (2011), the performance management process has seven steps: performance, diagnosis, evaluation, feedback, dealing with feedback, improving performance, and future performance.

  2. Yes, performance management is a continuous process cycle including Plan, act, monitor & review(Armstrong, 2009). At the end of each cycle feedback is the main component taken to understand effectiveness of performance management to the organization(Buchner, 2007).

  3. Agreed.Effective performance management cycles align managers' or supervisors' and employees' efforts with the organization's goals (Russell and Russell, 2009). Encourage all employees to perform at their best by ensuring uniformity in performance evaluations. This strategy should be applied in a fair and transparent manner. Many companies and managers today see performance management as a continuous cycle of actions that connects the company's culture, corporate goals, and strategy to individual performance and contributions (John Mattone,2013).

  4. Yes. Performance measurement plays a critical role in any company and appropriate measures are needed for, e.g. communication purposes (Elgazzar et al., 2019; Bourne et al., 2018). Koste and Malhotra (1999) state that to be able to understand and develop any type of flexibility, companies must be able to capture it in a reasonably accurate and credible way. Elgazzar et al. (2019) found few flexibility measures in their recent overview of supply chain measures. Maestrini et al. (2018) highlight a research gap in how companies apply supplier performance measurement in a broad sense

  5. Further we can describe Performance Management Cycle in three stages.;
    1. Anticipating, receiving, and reacting to feedback
    Individuals’ beliefs about themselves and their environment, and their feedback orientation, shape their initial reactions to feedback (DeNisi, Cafferty, & Meglino, 1984).
    2.Processing the feedback
    People generally try to affirm their self-concept by interpreting their experiences in such a way that their self-image remains stable or is restored (Baumeister, 1999; Steele, Spencer, & Lynch, 1993).
    3.Using the feedback
    Acting on goals entails actually participating in learning, trying new behaviors, and making an effort to reach specific performance objectives.

  6. Performance management is: ‘The development of individuals with competence and commitment, working towards the achievement of shared meaningful objectives within an organization which supports and encourages their achievement’ (Lockett, 1992). l ‘Performance management is managing the business’ (Mohrman and Mohrman, 1995). l Performance management is: the process of ‘Directing and supporting employees to work as effectively and efficiently as possible in line with the needs of the organization’ (Walters, 1995).

  7. Performance management is a process to plan, monitor and examine an employee’s overall performance to the organization. And also performance management is the continuous process of setting objectives, appraising progress and providing training based on that and feedback to ensure that employees are meeting their career objectives (Oklohoma, 2015).

  8. Agreed. Additionally, Performance management is a communication process by which managers and employees work together to plan, monitor and review an employee’s work objectives and overall contribution to the organization. More than just an annual performance review, performance management is the continuous process of setting objectives, assessing progress and providing ongoing coaching and feedback to ensure that employees are meeting their objectives and career goals (Hawas, 2001)

  9. Performance management cycles based on supervisors and workers attaention with organizational goals (Russell and Russell, 2009).Through the perfect performance Management, at the end of the cycle supervisors could recognize the contribution of employees to the organization. By motivating workers organization can get more contribution to achieve the goals objectives.

  10. Agreed Nilmini,
    the organizational performance criteria should include profitability, productivity, marketing effectiveness, customer satisfaction, but also employee morale. In this perspective, employee performance is tightly related to organizational performance, effective and efficient employee performance will positively influence organizational performance (Chan and Lynn, 1991).

  11. Agree Nilmini, as per Shane (2012), Performance management is a continuous process of planning, coaching and reviewing employee performance.


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